The GeoSurvey team celebrated our annual “Family Day” at an Atlanta Braves Game on April 28, 2019. Such a great group of friends – all part of the Geo Family. We cheered the Braves on to a great win over the Colorado Rockies. GO BRAVES!
Do you have what it takes to be a Land Surveyor?
Land Surveyors embark on a new adventure every day – exploring and measuring cities, forests, lakes, creeks, bridges, roads, buildings, the countryside, and everything in between. We find property corners that have been lost for years, we place new property corners for the future, and we get to use the latest GPS and robotic technology while enjoying our daily adventures. We place stakes that tell contractors where to build million dollar structures one day, then head to the coast the next day to do a topographic survey. We train ourselves constantly in the use of new technology, but never forget our roots lie in hard work and the history of the land we work on.
GeoSurvey, Ltd., is pleased to announce that four long-time employees are now principals in the firm. David Hester, Gene Etris, Brad Cash, and Craig Jennings now join Trent Turk and Jamey Coleman as owners of GeoSurvey, Ltd. Trent will continue as Chief Executive Officer, and Jamey will continue as Chief Operating Officer for the firm. David, Gene, Brad, and Craig will continue in their positions as Survey Project Managers for the firm.
From Trent Turk – “We are truly excited to have each of these long term employees join Jamey and me as owners of GeoSurvey, Ltd. As we approach our 20th year of business, we look forward to continuing our tradition of quality land surveying services throughout the Southeastern U.S. with our team for many years to come.”
Architects are often perplexed about the best way to develop as-built measurements and drawings of existing structures. Before their design process can be started, accurate measurements of the existing structure must be obtained. What is the most cost efficient and accurate way to obtain as-built measurements of existing structures and features?
The typical and most commonly used method usually involves sending expensive architectural staff members to the site to spend time measuring the features with a tape measure and clipboard. Photographs with a standard camera or phone are usually taken and used to support these measurements. Old plans for the structure may be obtained, but they must be confirmed for accuracy and completeness. Expensive lift units may even be rented to obtain measurements of hard-to-reach areas.
Architects are now beginning to realize the value of obtaining a 3D laser scan of the structures they are about to renovate. Through hiring our team at GeoSurvey, Ltd. to perform a 3d laser scan of the structure, the architect will realize many benefits:
The “Point Cloud” created by the team at GeoSurvey can be easily inserted into Revit or any other design package you use. When inserted, you are very quickly and easily be able to develop as-built drawings of any visible features in the scan. Floor plans, wall elevations, facade elevations, and other such base maps are readily available. This point cloud would provide you with x,y,z points in a dense format on all visible surfaces, along with 360 degree panoramic photographs that allow for measurement of any dimension of any object in the photo.
If you think your firm could benefit from the use of laser scans, take a few minutes today and visit our website. There you will find more detailed information about this service and how it can be useful for your next project!
Meet the newly certified “Confined Spaces Entry” team at GeoSurvey. Thanks to Dale Gletty from Horizon Safety Group for providing our training today. We are gearing up to go underground next week to perform a survey and 3D laser scan of a 1500′ long 7’x7′ concrete culvert – should be fun! #safetyfirst, #3Dlaserscan
(L-R)Trent Turk, Dale Gletty (Horizon Safety), Jon Moeller, Brad Cash, Robert English, and Jeff Thompson
GeoSurvey, Ltd., is Pleased to Announce The Opening of Our 3D Laser Scanning Division
3D Laser Scanning, also known as High Definition Surveying, is quickly becoming the most cost efficient and accurate method of developing as-built conditions of existing structures and surfaces. Days, or even weeks of valuable time and effort can be saved by utilizing 3d point clouds vs. conventional measurements to develop as-built conditions of existing structures and features. 3D point clouds are now fully supported in all later versions of design software packages, including all Autodesk products and Bentley products.
Find out more about our 3D Laser Scanning services on our website or feel free to call us to discuss how we can assist you with your next project!
Brad Cash 770-795-9900 xt 142
Trent Turk 770-795-9900 xt 114
Email us if you’d like at
GeoSurvey, Ltd. is pleased to announce that we are hosting records of Armstrong Land Surveying, Inc., of Douglasville, GA. Trent Turk and Jamey Coleman both worked with Robert Armstrong, LS, owner of Armstrong Land Surveying, Inc. in the early 90’s. After a very successful career in land surveying, Robert Armstrong has accepted a position with the National Park Service assisting them with protecting their property lines and Armstrong Land Surveying, Inc. is no longer in operation. Through an agreement with Robert, all surveys that were performed by Armstrong Land Surveying since 1991 are now hosted by GeoSurvey, Ltd. The original phone number for Armstrong Land Surveying, 770-577-0077 is now answered by the offices of GeoSurvey, Ltd.
Four days of events and fanfare in late October will mark the grand opening of Avalon, North American Properties’ (NAP) $600 million mixed-use development in Alpharetta, Georgia. Events will include music, family entertainment, chef demonstrations, a surprise headliner and more to introduce a carefully curated collection of shops and restaurants.
The GeoSurvey team is excited to have been involved with this massive project from the start. We provided the original boundary survey, topographic survey, and utility survey for the civil design of this great new development. We have provided a myriad of other surveying services during the construction process. We look forward to seeing this development becoming a great asset to Alpharetta and the rest of North GA!
GeoSurvey is excited to be a part of the development team for the new Whole Foods coming to Kennesaw! Our client, Fuqua Development, has announced their plans to construct a new mixed-used development at the NW intersection of Highway 41 and Barrett Parkway. We are already working on the various surveys that will be needed for the development.
Read more about this development from the Atlanta Business Chronicle here..
Our client – Fuqua Development’s website..
The GeoSurvey team is excited to learn today that the Atlanta Braves are moving to Cobb County in 2016! We extend a warm welcome to the Braves Baseball franchise and are excited about the new opportunities that are surely headed to our area. Click on the image to the right to see an aerial photograph of the proposed stadium location..
Here is the official press release from the Atlanta Braves about the relocation